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Caballo Horsemarket is celebrating its anniversary!

By Caballo Horsemarket - Nov 24, 2010

Just in case you forgot –  a quick reminder of our upcoming celebration:

365 days –  8,760 hours – 525,600 minutes – 31,536,000 seconds

Caballo Horsemarket is turning 1!

And we want to celebrate that with you! As a gesture of gratitude to our loyal clients - and those to be- all our Premium Ads are free of charge throughout December.

As of December 1st, you can advertise your horse with five high-resolution photos and an eye-catching gallery image on Caballo Horsemarket – for free! After our offer expires, you are free to opt for our usual long term Premium ad.

We want to take this opportunity to thank you for loyalty and we are looking forward to another successful year with you! We wish you every success with buying and selling horses on Caballo Horsemarket in the future.

Nadine Hübner and the Caballo Horsemarket Team

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