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Horse Market - Tinker Horses for Sale

This is the list of all current Tinker Horses for Sale in our horse market. Click an image or an ad title to see further details of a horse.

The Tinker (also known as Gypsy Cob) is a Coldblood horse with origin in Great Britain and Ireland.

Der Deutsche Pinto Zuchtverband e.V. (DPZV) hatte seit 2003 immer wieder versucht, einen gemeinsamen Standard zu erreichen. Trotz einiger Treffen auch mit der ICS aus ... [ Learn more about Tinker breed... ]

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Price Categories

I   < 3.200 $
II   3.200 - 6.300 $
III   6.300 - 10.500 $
IV   10.500 - 15.800 $
V   15.800 - 31.500 $
VI   > 31.500 $

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